Core Decisional Repatterning©
(Audio Download)
Core Decisional Repatterning© is a 9-step technology for finding the core programming that drives your behaviors in life and replacing limiting programs with life-enhancing new patterns of behavior.
Core Decisional Repatterning© (or CDR©) is a profound life change technology.
Your NLP Master Trainer, Bill Thomason, will teach you to recognize foundational programming or ‘script’ in others.
In only a few moments you can know what a person will do in a relationship with you, in what order, and how strategies will be rationalized.
You’ll be able to predict future behavior.
Learning about CDR©.will help find out what the specific original decision was that created limiting programming. And then you can help that individual install a new resourceful decision at a deep emotional level with techniques of Core Decisional Repatterning©
The power of a Deep Emotional Decision is powerfully life-changing.