Natural Body Weight
& Shape WorkshopTalk
(Audio Download)
THE SIMPLE TRUTH IS…If you are overweight; you are overeating and you have become unconscious. Your body knows exactly what you should do to achieve and maintain your natural body weight and shape.
You’ve just been ignoring the messages your body has been sending.
This Natural Body Weight & Shape audio is an example of the workshop that is part of the ongoing Thomason Method program.
The simple truth is; People who are over-weight are over-eating.
You have become unconscious. Your body knows exactly what you should do to achieve and maintain your natural body weight and shape.
You’ve just been ignoring the messages your body has been sending.
And, you can just bet that anyone who is not at their natural body weight and shape is eating for some other reason than being hungry.
Now you can learn to:
– Learn to listen to your body
– Distinguish when your body is hungry
– Install patterns for positive mind talk
– Understand how your brain and nervous system work
– …and so much more
So, how do you change your body weight and shape while continuing to eat?
This is not a DIET!
It is not about exercise.
It is not about herbal remedies.
It is a lifestyle choice and this method that has worked for thousands, just like you.
This audio recording is from a workshop with a group of students who have already been practicing awareness of what their body has been telling them.
They have also learned to go inside and measure their level of hunger; not what the MIND says they should do, but the BODY is telling you. They have been reading the manual and they are already beginning to see that you are dropping weight and that you are going to achieve your outcome.
NOTE: This audio workshop is meant to be used as an adjunct (or in addition to) the Natural Body Weight & Shape hypnosis audio support recordings.
The Thomason Method program include a 6-week progressive audio hypnosis sessions along with manual to support your success. If you want the whole program click back to The Thomason Method program.