Advanced Coaching Certification:
Core Decisional Repatterning©
(2 Weekend)
Core Decisional Repatterning© is the foundational technology for Bill Thomason’s coaching model. Over more than 30 years Bill developed this CDR© technology from NLP language patterns, values and belief work, Structured Depth Metaphor©, Redecision Therapy and many other behavior technologies.
Core Decisional Repatterning(c) or CDR(c) is a profound change technology designed around the power of a deep emotional decision. This is the two weekend certification.
CDR(c) is a 9-Step Technology for discovering limitations in programming that have prevented a person from achieving what they say they want in life.
Core Decisional Repatterning© is the foundational technology for this highly effective coaching model developed by Bill Thomason.
Over more than 30 years Bill developed this CDR© technology from NLP language patterns, values and belief work, Structured Depth Metaphor©, Redecision Therapy and other sources.
Bill says that ‘all programming is in place due to decisions made at a deep emotional level.’
A large proportion of our programming is already in place by age 4-5 in most people. New programming can displace old unresourceful programs and a new, more desirable decision can be installed.
Bill has developed this 9-Step Technology that effectively identifies limited life programming and unresourceful beliefs and replaces the old decisions that formed the limiting pattern with a life-enhancing decision to alter the foundational network of decisions. The practitioner then helps to drive the newly crafted decision to a deep emotional level.
People tend to be pattern-making devices and they do not change behavior patterns easily. But sometimes people do naturally make changes. By modeling people who have made profound life changes, often made in moments that were traumatic events, Bill has crafted this powerful technology to make profound life-change possible and relatively easier.
Even deep level programming from developmental issues can be changed in most cases. CDR(c) is then a process for installing a new life-empowering decision that will dramatically and profoundly change lives in only a few coaching sessions.
Never doubt and never underestimate the power of a deep emotional decision
Attend if you are an NLP Practitioner, coach, counselor, nurse or just want to learn to help other make a deep level life change.
Learn the basics of this powerful change technology from developer Bill Thomason.