Design The Life You Love Living
1-Day ONLINE Workshop or 3 Evening ZOOM
Come away with written goals as outcomes. Eliminate emotional barriers that prevented past successes. This workshop will profoundly change your life. NOW, you can create a future so compelling you can’t help but do what’s necessary to achieve it.
NLP Skills weekend workshops are a great value at $237 to $277. This Design the Life You Love Living workshop is NOW NO CHARGE or send a $30 energy exchange gift for this special 3 Wednesday Night ONLINE ZOOM format.
$237 NOW a N/C or a $30 Gift Suggested
Design the Life You LOVE LIVING!
Register now for this SPECIAL OFFER 1-Day ONLINE WORKSHOP! This DESIGN THE LIFE YOU LOVE LIVING with Expanding-Folded Time© Patterns (Time Line) ONLINE Workshop will profoundly change your life for the better.
WHAT/WHERE: ONLINE ZOOM Meeting. SPONSORED BY: NLP Coaching & Skills Training Institute. WHEN: Hours are 9am-4:00pm each day, Jan 15, 2022 WHAT: This is largely a do-it-to-you, closed-eye process, experience that does not require you to learn how the process works to get the benefits. WITH WHOM: Bill Thomason, NLP Master Trainer, is your instructor for this powerful, life-altering, experience.
NOW YOU CAN: Change the previously predictable trajectory of your life.
Come away with written goals. Everyone should do this workshop at least once per year. Clean up past barriers to success and make a new plan for your future success.
It’s an amazing adventure on your timeline and you won’t have to learn the whole model to get the benefits.
You will:
- Decide what you congruently want in life
- Come away with written goals as outcomes
- Eliminate programming that prevented your success in the past
- Install (program) a new future so compelling you cannot help but achieve it
Expanding Folded Time(c) Patterns offer you powerful techniques for generating profound personal change.
Consider that memories are a myth. We encode memories through our own filters and others, who may have been there tend to remember events differently. Only problem is we made what happen mean something about ourselves.
Notice that some people actually spend much more time living in the past or future than in the present.
The only problem with past events is that you made those events mean something about you; often something limiting.
NOW, what if you could go back and re-represent limiting past events so that you now come out with empowering beliefs and powerfully successful present programming as you live into your new future.
This ‘do-it-to-you’ workshop involves closed-eye processes so you don’t have to learn the techniques to benefit from this life-changing training experience.
AND IT’S only $137 NOW No Charge or a $30 gift suggested for this SPECIAL ONLINE ZOOM workshop experience.
Contact Bill at 602 321-7192 or you can register right here for this life-changing workshop.
$237 NOW $30 Gift Suggestion