Core Decisional Repatterning(c) CDR(c) View Calendar 07/09/2022 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Bill Thomason Daniel Clark ZOOM ONLINE Meeting Website: [{"latlong":["",""],"zoom":"9","infow":"<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t <\/label>\n\t\t 07\/09\/2022 <\/span> 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM<\/span><\/div>","google_map_url":"","name":"Core Decisional Repatterning(c) CDR(c)"}] Attend this 2-Day Weekend - Core Decisional Repatterning(c), or CDR(c), is a profound-change technology designed around the understanding of the power of a ‘deep emotional decision.’ All our programming is in place due to decisions we have made. They are driven deeper into programming in moments of heightened emotional intensity. Identify those core decisions that are limiting and holding you back and install a new life enhancing decision that serves you. Core Decisional Repatterning(c) workshop. CDR(c) is the foundational technology for the phenomenal success of the NLP Coaching work developed over more than 30 years by NLP Master Trainer, Bill Thomason. If you are a coach or therapist, this may be the most important workshop you ever take. If you just want to learn to help friends and family members, the skills in this training and you can learn how to help yourself and others. $237. Register NOW! Only $87 in this 1-Day ONLINE ZOOM format. Search for: Categories Certification influence Listening MetaPrograms NLP persuasion Recent Posts Negotiating: The Total-Win Mindset NLP Language Patterns Shutting Down Internal Dialogue Presenting Beyond Conscious Filters Are You Sure?