GCNLP Persuasion Saturday Workshop ONLINE View Calendar 02/06/2021 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM https://nlpskills.com/gcnlp-social-club-monthly-membership/ Bill Thomason Phone: 602 321-7192 Website: http://www.nlpskills.com ZOOM ONLINE Meeting Website:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82599993003?pwd=cXFuaUtqcE51aXFjQzFoMk1zK1Nldz09 [{"latlong":["",""],"zoom":"9","infow":"<\/span><\/div>\n\t\t <\/label>\n\t\t 02\/06\/2021 <\/span> 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM<\/span><\/div>","google_map_url":"","name":"GCNLP Persuasion Saturday Workshop ONLINE"}] GCNLP Persuasion Saturday Workshop – ½ Day, 9am-12noon, ONLINE ZOOM meeting, February 6, 2021. Transform your ability to connect, persuade, and influence as you make the personal changes you want now in a safe and fun environment. $30 Search for: Categories Certification influence Listening MetaPrograms NLP persuasion Recent Posts Negotiating: The Total-Win Mindset NLP Language Patterns Shutting Down Internal Dialogue Presenting Beyond Conscious Filters Are You Sure?