Free Wednesday Evening MeetUp
FREE! NLP Arizona MeetUp & Practice Group, Heartistic Transformation MeetUp, and NLP Power MeetUp all meet 7-8:15 pm ONLINE ZOOM Video MeetUp.. Sponsored by NLP Coaching & Skills Training Institute, 1819 E Sheena Dr., Phoenix, AZ 85022. (This is a FREE event and you are also free to give a gift of $10 when you have received value.)
For more information or directions – Call Bill 602 321-7192.
FREE! or $10
Come away each week with a specific skill or technique to transform your results right now…, immediately…, today.
Transform your communication and rapport skills to influence with integrity and create profound change within yourself and with friends, family, clients, and everyone else as you build community.
This MeetUp is FREE. Join us. And, if you receive value you may want to do an energy exchange. $10 is recommended.
Topic: Bill Thomason’s NLP Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting, 7-8:15pm Wednesdays
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Password: 055946
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Password: 055946
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Password: 055946
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We’ll cover a different subject each week and you don’t have to already know a lot of NLP to profoundly change your results in life from these meetings.
For beginners or for advanced NLP students, practitioners, and coaches.
You can give a $10 energy exchange as you may choose or just attend. Call 602 321-7192 for additional information.
You can RSVP by joining MeetUp.com and subscribing to one of the groups, OR send email to Bill Thomason [email protected] so we can plan for group size. Include your email and contact info.
Welcome to FREE NLP Meetup!
STUDY GUIDE: [example below]
Send your email and address info to [email protected] to get on the NLP Skills Mailing list and receiver your weekly STUDY GUIDE for upcoming MeetUps.
Sponsored by: Bill Thomason & NLP Coaching & Skills Training Institute
NLP Language Patterns: MetaModel – Complex Presuppositions [7-29-20] [past example now completed]
Presuppositions: In order for a sentence to make sense, something that is not stated explicitly is assumed to be true. The linguistic equivalent of an assumption. Used to presume something is already true. Typically, the presumed information is simply accepted as true without conscious scrutiny. Adapted from the book, Structure of Magic by Richard Bandler and John Grinder
Complex Presupposition: Cases where more than simple existence is presupposed. (continued)
[Note: a. – y. were covered in previous NLP MeetUps]
- Factive Predicates: A predicate that presupposes the truth of the clause that follows it. (wonder, aware, sense, realize)
Example: “I wonder whether you are aware that you are deeply in a trance?”
Presupposed: You are in a trance.
Example: “I don’t have a sense that you realize how much you have changed in these last few sessions.”
Presupposed: You have changed.
Other examples:
- “Being excellent communicators, allows us to get more of what we want; how can we help you get what you want?”
- The greatest communicators in the world use NLP techniques; some know it while others do not.”
- “Everyone here knows more about making changes than they think they know. After you finish this seminar, you too will have the skills to be able to influence, persuade, and communicate at a higher level.”
NLP Skills Pattern #1: Elicit Value Chain
- ‘A’ ask ‘B’, “What do you want?” Sort for intended outcome (X).
- Elicit ‘Y’. “What do you want through having that (‘X’ from above), that is even more important?”
- Ask again to get ‘Z,’ or until Value Chain is complete. “When you have (intended outcome ‘X,Y,Z’) fully and completely, what do you want through having that, that is even more important?” Note: Note: Elicit as many values as necessary to complete. This is the Value Chain.
- “How does already having that… make things different?”
- “How does already having that as a way of being in your life transform, enrich, and radiate through X, Y, and Z.
- Identify the Core State. Be aware of and enjoy it. Apply it to X, Y, and Z.
NLP Skills Pattern #2: Core Transformation
Credit for this pattern goes to Connie Rae & Tamara Andreas. Eliciting Value Chain repeats here.
- Identify the part you want to work with or behavior you want to change. Experience, receive, and welcome the part.
- Elicit the first intended outcome. Ask, ”What do you want?” Note: Every behavior has a positive intent and purpose or you would not have created it.
- Discover the OUTCOME CHAIN (as above). Ask, “If you have (intended outcome above) fully and completely, what do you want through having that, that is even more important?” Repeat until Value Chain is complete.
- Identify the CORE STATE (CS). Take a moment to enjoy the state.
- Apply the CORE STATE (CS) to the Outcome Chain.
- In General: “When you have the CD as a way of being in the world, how doe shaving that already make things different.”
- Specific: “How does already have your CS as a way of being transform, Enrich, and radiate through the Intended Outcome?”
- Original Context: “How does already having your CS as a way of being, transform your experience of the Original Context?”
- Grow up the part: Ask,
- “How old are you?”
- “Do you want the benefit of evolving to the present?” or just say,
- “Evolve forward in time with the CS intact every moment of the way.”
- Bring into your body. “Bring that part into your body so that it is permeating every cell and tissue.”
- Apply the CS to the grown-up part. (See #5. General:, Specific:, Original Context)
- ECOLOGY: Check for objecting parts. “Is there any part that now objects…?” If there is an objection, go back through steps 1-8.
- Time Line generalization:
-Envision and go back before conception and radiate the CS through to the present.
-Radiate through the future. Notice submodalities as in color, brightness, straight line, etc.
-Cycle back through the time line several times, faster each time.
Join us on Facebook! Search for; Bill Thomason Executive Coach & Strategist, NLP Master Trainer |
Join our Global Community of NLP (GCNLP). ‘Like’ us on social media including FaceBook. RSVP at Meetup.com.
Upcoming Events: [past examples]
GCNLP Persuasion Saturday Workshop: This ½ Day FREE ZOOM meeting is 9am-12noon, will focus on basic NLP Skills for deep and lasting rapport, persuasion and influence including language patterns and CRITERIA (values). FREE!
Here’s your Zoom invitation link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82599993003?pwd=cXFuaUtqcE51aXFjQzFoMk1zK1Nldz09
NLP Practitioner & Coach Certification – ONLINE ZOOM training. Three 3-Day weekends, Friday-Sunday, 9am-4pm each day, October 2-4 9-11, 16-18,, 2020 [completed] This is the very best way to learn basic skill-sets of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). Make profound changes in your own life as you learn to help others make the changes they congruently desire. You will learn from NLP Master Trainer, Bill Thomason assisted by Daniel Clark. You will experience a caring environment that will make it easy to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible. $1577+ $495. SPECIAL NLP MEETUP PARTICIPANT DISCOUNT: $997
Remember: “Every behavior has a positive intent and purpose and it serves me.”