NLP Coach Certification 3-Day ONLINE
NLP Coach Certification
A special ONLINE ZOOM 3-Day NLP Coach Certification Training
[Prerequisite is NLP Practitioner Certification]
NLP Coach Certification
Your NLP Coach Certification will put you in the 90%ile of all coaches regardless of other coach training models based on ability to facilitate change.
You will experience a caring environment and you will learn to achieve more than you ever dreamed possible.
All coaching is based on the NLP Presupposition, ‘Everyone Already Has All The Resources Necessary to Achieve Any Congruently Desired Outcome.’ Coaching has been a primary application of NLP Skills since Neuro-Linguistic Programming started in the 1970’s. That dates to a time before Business and Life Coaching were a thing.
Remember: You will learn specific patterns to put you into the 90(%) percentile of coaches, regardless of training. Learn 3rd generation coaching distinctions as you connect to the field and work inside the values and the ‘decisional network’ of any client to help them find resources already present inside them.
Your life will positively never be the same. With the skills you learn, you can explore and integrate new thoughts, new feelings, new choices, and you can acquire highly successful new behaviors.
Your trainer will be world-class NLP Coach & Strategist, Bill Thomason. With more than 30 years experience, Bill has worked with top-performing Fortune 500 executives, the US Military Intelligence trainers, and people, like you, from all walks of life.
In addition, you will learn 3rd Generation NLP Models for coaching including:
- Coaching State
- Coaching Envelope
- Love Your Shadow Side
- Explore Your Nerk-Nerk State
- Go Beyond the Edges of Your Map
In addition, you will review a number of coaching models and experience specific Life-Change Patterns of NLP including:
- Coaching Circle (benchmarking)
- Well-Formed Outcome procedures
- Build Unlimited Ability
- Dove-Tailing Outcomes
- ReImprinting
- Change Personal History
- Belief Change Patterns (Walking the 4-Directions, Decision Destroyer)
- Core Decisional RePatterning(c)
- Time Line (Expanding Folded Time(c) Patterns)
- Behavior Modeling, and much more
- Business Management Training and Culture Change models
Consistent with the ‘Inner Game’ concept of coaching first written about in Timothy Galwey’s books. You will learn to ask good questions that help your client access resources already deep inside.
Bill Thomason and/or one of his certified NLP staff trainers will be your guide on this journey into becoming an NLP Coach. REGISTER RIGHT NOW!