NLP Coaching Agreement
(12 Month Agreement)
NLP Coaching sessions are typically once per week for office visits, by telephone, or internet video conference, with a 3-session per month minimum.
Our NLP Coaching clients appreciate the more long-term coaching relationship and payment upfront for a number of sessions brings session costs way down. In addition, you will receive offers for weekend NLP Training programs for FREE; on average one per quarter.
AND you want enough coaching time to fully integrate your new foundational life patterns as you navigate individual life and business challenges with the help and partnership of your NLP Executive Coach.
How many times can you raise the bar on your success with help from your Certified NLP Coach? In a longer term NLP Coaching relationship you will get ongoing support toward the short-term outcomes and longer-term objectives you want to achieve in life.
NLP Coaching sessions may be face-to-face in-office, by telephone, or internet video conference, so wherever you are in the world, you can get one-on-one, real-life NLP Coaching input and honest feedback to keep you in alignment between your intention and the actions you are or are not taking.
Your NLP Success Coach will not just give you advice, but gently and firmly nudge you to do more and be more than you would achieve on your own.
A side-effect of your NLP Coaching Agreement is that you will learn specific models and techniques to powerfully alter your effectiveness in various contexts. Even one NLP Life-Change Pattern or language pattern may change your results in life dramatically. Your NLP Executive Coach will help you create the dynamic foundation necessary to hold changes you have made as a life-style change.
Your word is important. Integrity calls for you to do what you say you will do. Being responsible for your agreements including on-time payment for coaching is an important symbol that you are successful in your coaching relationship.
NLP Coaching sessions are typically once-per-week in the office visits, by telephone, or internet video conference, with a 3-session per month minimum.
The minimum is so your NLP Coach can be confident there are enough sessions to move you forward on your NLP Coaching Agreement plan agreed upon in order to achieve your outcomes.
The onus for showing up for scheduled sessions is therefore in the right place to make sure you are following through and moving forward. If you receive more than 3 sessions in a month, there is no additional charge. Your NLP Executive Coach is skilled at helping you do what is necessary to succeed and achieve the outcomes you say you want in the time-frame provided by agreement.
Often NLP Coaching clients are interested in a more long-term coaching relationship and payment upfront for multiple sessions brings session costs down and will ensure your monthly payment stays the same with any fluctuations in the economy.