Core Decisional Repatterning© Workshop
Core Decisional Repatterning(c) or CDR(c) is a 9-step technology for profound personal change . It is also t he foundational technology for the phenomenal success of the NLP Coaching work developed over more than 30 years by NLP Master Trainer, Bill Thomason. All our programming is in place due to decisions we have made. If you are a coach or therapist, this may be the most important workshop you ever take. If you just want to learn to help friends and family members, the skills in this training and you can learn how help yourself and others.
1-Day ONLINE – $87
Core Decisional Repatterning(c), or CDR(c), is a profound-change technology designed around the understanding of the power of a ‘deep emotional decision.’
All our programming is in place due to decisions we have made. They are driven deeper into programming in moments of heightened emotional intensity. Identify those core decisions that are limiting and holding you back and install a new life enhancing decision that serves you.
If you are a coach or therapist, this may be the most important workshop you ever take. Bill Thomason has developed this powerful core technology that is the foundational tool of his NLP Coaching practice and you should learn to facilitate this 9-step process with your clients.
If you just want to learn to help friends and family members, the skills in this training are within your grasp to learn how help yourself and others.
CDR(c) is a 9-Step Technology for discovering limitations in programming that have prevented a person from achieving what they say they want in life.
Even deep level programming from early life trauma can be changed in many cases.
CDR(c) is then a process for installing a new life-empowering decision.
Learn how to dramatically and profoundly change lives in only a few coaching sessions.
Attend this 1-Day ONLINE ZOOM (or Weekend) Workshop if you are an NLP Practitioner, coach, counselor, nurse or just want to learn to help others make a deep level life change.
Formats include: 1-Day ZOOM ONLINE, 2-Day Weekend, and 4-Day Certification.
And ask about the 4-Day CDR© Certification class.
$87 1-Day ONLINE