Healing Power of Stories
Register NOW! for The Healing Power of Stories with Structured Depth Metaphor© workshop.
This 1-Day ONLINE ZOOM training workshop will teach you the step-by-step process of how to construct ‘Multiply-Embedded’ or Structured-Depth Metaphor© stories to powerfully influence your audience.
$237 $87
This Healing Power of Stories workshop utilizes Structured-Depth Metaphor© technology.
It is about how to get yourself into a natural story-telling mode, and to construct and deliver therapeutic metaphors designed to make generative connections at a deep unconscious level that can influence your audience and profoundly change behavior.
That’s right! Now you can change lives with simple stories.
AND the brain and nervous system are naturally wired to respond in whole-brain way to stories.
As soon as you hear the magic words, “Once Upon a Time…” you are immediately are immediately opening pathways throughout the brain and nervous system and you are ready for adventure. Something wonderful is about to happen, isn’t it?
Learn to develop and deliver healing stories at any moment to influence others beyond conscious filters to make the best connections possible for the highest good of the individual and everyone involved.
Use of Therapeutic Metaphor is one of the primary skills necessary in understanding and utilizing Ericksonian Hypnosis.
This 1-Day ONLINE ZOOM workshop (also offered as a 2-Day Weekend training) will teach you the step-by-step process of how to construct ‘Multiply-Embedded’ or Structured-Depth Metaphors©.
Learn from the best. With more than 35 years experience, NLP Master Trainer, Bill Thomason will lead you on this journey to deep and profound positive change.
$237 $87