New Code NLP
(1-Day Workshop)
The New NLP- (New Code NLP), is a 1-day weekend class. No previous NLP experience is required. Learn five specific patterns to eliminate old limiting programming and install patterns at a whole brain level that rev up your energy, your abilities, and your results.
New Code NLP Models
Reprogram your mind with new code NLP to achieve personal success
What is New Code NLP?
The New NLP- (New Code NLP), is a 1-day weekend class with Master NLP Trainer, Bill Thomason or one of his certified NLP staff trainers.
Learn five specific patterns to eliminate old limiting programming and install patterns at a whole brain level that rev up your energy, your abilities, and your results.
And you can learn New Code understandings, about the new spinning techniques, how to build in certainty, and feel good about yourself. Break the doubt cycle. Supercharge your current level of success.
- New Code Understandings based on work of John Grinder, Carmen Bostic St. Clair, and Judith DeLozier.
- New Techniques – Based on recent work by Richard Bandler you will learn specific patterns that simple, elegant and life-changingly powerful.
- New Future – Will include a discussion of new directions, codification, and research in the field of NLP.
Bill Thomason or another certified staff trainer will be your guide for this training opportunity.
These are new skills in the NLP community that are changing the face of what we do. They are simple and can be transferred so that you can acquire the ability to facilitate others.
No previous NLP experience is required. Call Bill at 602 321-7192 to register.
In the 1980’s, NLP Co-founder, John Grinder along with Carmen Bostic St. Clair, and Judith DeLozier and others started looking at the early framework that NLP had been based upon and found a few things that they thought needed to be revised.
NLP New Code was designed to address any new issues relating to codification for teaching and delivery of NLP patterns. Grinder described the problems with the original or Classic NLP coding as design flaws saying that he was disappointed with the level of incongruence in NLP Practitioners.
Grinder noticed that NLP-trained people were often able to ‘weave spells of magic’ for their clients and yet some were failing at applying NLP to their own lives.
As I have reviewed the information on New Code, I realize that, although I am not familiar with some of the ‘games’ developed, my early training had already incorporated much, if not most, of what John and other developers were saying in the mid-1980’s when I got my first training.
As a generalization, the incorporation of my Anthropological background and training along with my penchant for using metaphor in training, coaching, and persuasion contexts matches well with the training style I have observed with John and Judith.
I particularly like John’ references to Carlos Castaneda’s and his character, Don Juan the Man of Knowledge.
As another example, in the book Turtles All the Way Down, John and Judith make great points about perception from the point of view of an African man who cannot believe he is seeing anything more than insects in the distant plains that are actually water buffalo.
One of the games in the book involves walking across a bridge with a partner while keeping one’s eyes closed to limit visual cues. I believe the point is that these stories impart deep level connections that cannot be easily explained by conscious mind training.
The trainer or coach trusts the unconscious mind of the client to make the best connection possible for the highest good of the individual. John says the book Whispering in the Wind is the best specific description of New Code.
In explaining New Code, John says, “I, therefore, set out with the intention of designing a set of patterns that would both correct the coding flaws of the Classic Code (his work Bandler from 1974-1978) that could not be effectively presented unless the presenter was congruent with self-application (of NLP patterns).”
The goal of New Code was to:
1. Create specific involvement of a client’s unconscious mind for choosing desired states, resources, and new behaviors. The problem John was seeing was that some Classic Code processes led the client’s conscious process to ‘right’ answers and therefore was contaminating unconscious connections that might have been made.
2. The new behavior would satisfy the original positive intention of the behavior. Remember the Presupposition of NLP that, “Every behavior has positive intent and purpose.” Every behavior is ‘trying’ to do something for you, or you would not have created it.
3. Change should occur at the level of state and/or intention, rather than the level of behavior.
New Code Patterns added by Grinder and Bostic:
1. Multiple perceptual positions. See Perceptual Positions including 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Positions. Note: There is now a movement to call these positions Self, Other, and Observer Positions.
2. Explicit Framing. Tools include outcome setting and intention, exploring consequences, and incorporating relevancy challenges.
3. Hierarchical organization. These include Logical Levels. (original context in conversation and thinking, etc. not the model developed by Robert Dilts from Gregory Bateson’s learning theory)
4. Time lines. (Originally developed by John Grinder and Robert Dilts, then Leslie Cameron-Bandler and others)
5. The Verbal Package. A streamlined version of Meta Model with reduced questions, explicit framing, and more refined verbal distinctions; Terms description, interpretation, and evaluation.
The Meta Model includes a set of questions designed to allow a person to become more precise in language and thinking and to aid in discovering underlying restrictions in belief and thinking patterns.
6. A 4-step format for a change. A variable 3rd step includes games like the Alphabet Game, the NASA Game and Roger Tabb’s Trampoline exercises.
7. Sanctuary. A process for working with an unwanted state that either creeps up on you slowly so you are not aware of it until you are experiencing it deeply or so quickly you lose control.
8. Multiple forms of involuntary signals for unconscious communication.
9. Characterological adjectives.
What was different (in New Code) was designer models which occurred as a natural consequence of deep extended modeling and training activities of experts, and partially explicated design variables underlying the classic code.
The re-coding of NLP offered Grinder et.al. an opportunity to correct what he/they deemed to be flaws in the classic code patterning.
New Code takes the design variables of Classic Code formats to the extreme. For example, resource states in New Code can be created by a game or task that activates a content-free high-performance state which has no historical experiences attached.
One of the key aspects of New Code change formats is the verification and selection of behavioral changes by calibrating with the unconscious mind using explicit kinesthetic signals.
YOU CAN REGISTER, right here, right now, OR, contact Bill to register at 602 321-7192. [email protected]