Sedona Magical Mystery
Mind Training-The Shaman’s Mind
(4 Day)
Sedona Magical Mystical Mind Training is a 4-day workshop, in and around Sedona, Arizona, and Village of Oak Creek.
Note: This package includes your lodging.
Sedona Magical Mystical Mind Training is a 4-day workshop, in and around Sedona, Arizona, and Village of Oak Creek.
Each day honors one of the four directions.
Developed from Native American shaman training concepts that tend to be in common with the passing of knowledge from indigenous cultures around the world, this NLP Shaman’s Mind training is the ideal meeting place between Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and spiritual healing.
The word ‘shaman’ is taken from Siberian origins and used generically to represent what is common among shamanic traditions as a healing model.
A ‘Shaman’ or ‘Medicine Man’ (or Medicine Woman) historically served as doctor, psychologist, minister, and healer among tribal peoples.
Bill Thomason will lead you through classroom meditations and outdoor experiences designed around the life-enhancing metaphor of Medicine Wheel ceremony to teach you concepts including awareness of the ‘Dreaming Body,’ ‘doubling’ (being in more than one place at one time), being the ‘hunter and not the hunted,’ ‘soul retrieval’ and other healing concepts common to the ‘Peaceful Warrior’ path.
By the end of this training, participants will be dreaming together collectively.