Listening Skill

Listening Skill

Listening Skills Most of us think we are good listeners.  We also tend to think that others should be hearing us.  But, how many times in the last month did you experience being totally “heard,” or “gotten” by another human being.  If you are like most people, it just...
Release Your Pain

Release Your Pain

Release Pain Meditation (6-20) Sometimes my NLP Coaching clients are not going to move forward until old stored pain and hurt have been released.  They are often so consumed by mind talk and bad feelins that they cannot focus.  Some people we all know are walking...
Join NLP MeetUp Wednesdays 7-8:15pm

Join NLP MeetUp Wednesdays 7-8:15pm

Join us for free NLP MeetUp, Wednesday,s 7-8:15pm.  We’re meeting on the Zoom video meeting format.  Here’s the  meeting invitation link for the meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82599993003?pwd=cXFuaUtqcE51aXFjQzFoMk1zK1Nldz09 I’ve prepared a short...
Use Your Mind to Build a Strong Immune Response

Use Your Mind to Build a Strong Immune Response

It’s natural that we are all a bit worried about what is going to happen next in this time of the Coronavirus.  People have been fearful, anxious, and worried.  That’s bad for the immune system.  So, what can we do to keep a good attitude and build a...
Right & Left Hemisphere

Right & Left Hemisphere

Brain function, as we all know, includes the model for right and left hemisphere activity. CLICK HERE: to see the workshop video. http://<iframe src=”https://player.vimeo.com/video/348681784?byline=0&portrait=0″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″...
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